Week 1 Exp. 2: The Concepts
The Concepts
Oscar Niemeyer
Concepts - Niemeyer
1. Fluid lines within the architecture,
and several small openings leading to ramps creates curiosity.
2. A sense of balance and uniformity is achieved through the generous use of curves to form smooth surfaces.
3. Free-floating and lightweight, as depicted through the slender columns and a thin hovering-like roof.
4. This form creates layers as emphasised through the symmetrical and repetitive arched columns.
5. Simple geometric objects which are stacked to create a new form.
Benedetta Tagliabue
Concepts - Tagliabue
1. Defying traditional forms of the tower, as its structure is broader at the tip and narrower at the base.
2. Experimentation with curves and concavities that create a continuous line.
3. Organic geometric shapes merges to create new forms that challenge the traditional vertical volumes of buildings.
4. Play on shadows and lighting.
5. Layering of repetitive patterns initiates a path for the eye to follow, and thus creates a directional purpose.
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