Week 4:FIlm and Animation

Section Drawings (Stairs)

'The Heavy Metal'
Side View
Stairs leading from CJ Hendry's underground studio to the showroom on ground-floor.
Material of metal was chosen to compliment the compact brick and windowless interior. 

Top view 

"The Floating Stair"

Side View
Stairs starting from the Showroom on ground level and leading up towards the Gucci Studio on the upper floor. These stairs are cantilevered to reveal a sense of openness, as walls are made our of glass. To achieve an elegance, white timber (light material) with a painted texture was chosen as the stair composition.

Top View

Final SketchUp Model

Right of model: Entrance with the marble wall.

To the side of the entrance is a display panel.

Ground Floor (Showroom) Materials:

Walls are a mix of glass and marble to resemble the chosen word, 'elegant'. Using these light materials also gives a sense of openness and freedom for the designers to organise their work, without being too spatially restricted.

Glass panels used to allow artworks to be showcased and viewed through both sides.

The entrance has an open door and is designed to be sectioned off with a 'waiting' room. 

Hanging frames to display both clients' works and generous use of glass once again for the shelves to create elegance.

Stairs from the lower floor to ground floor uses metal to compliment the other heavy metals used within the interior.

Colourful texture wall to contrast the monochromatic and heavy materials used in CJ Hendry’s underground studio.

Lower Ground (CJ Hendry Studio):
Stone exterior, which are designed in slabs and are stacked. Inspired by my sectional drawings and the word 'paper'.

Interior walls are brick with one side textured, painted with CJ Hendry's  art.

The Underground is sectioned off into two rooms with the smaller room as a separate work room for CJ Hendry's work.

Upper floor ( Gucci Studio):
A mix of marble and glass is once again used for the top floor, continuing the theme of elegance and openess. 

Glass is specifically used on the right-hand-side (east side) and the roof of the studio to allow natural lighting to penetrate the studio throughout the day.

The wall with glass cabinets is lined with wallpaper, using my designed texture. 

The wall next to the glass cabinets, also has a wallpaper coating of red and green to resemble Gucci’s brand colours.

Another feature built in especially for Gucci is the design of the curved walls, where the curved shelves are placed. This was embedded specifically for Gucci’s logo or brand symbol.
